Stirling Henry Limited Flemington

Stirling Henry Ltd were originally established during the 1920s as an importing warehouse but branched out into textile production later that decade.  The Stirling Henry factory opened in Richmond Road Flemington (Homebush West) c.1936 and closed in the 1970s.  The featured photograph is dated 1963.

The  building above is current the administration building for Harvey Norman & Domayne.

Harvey Norman - former Stirling Henry Building - 2017. Photo Cathy Jones
Harvey Norman – former Stirling Henry Building – 2017. Photo Cathy Jones


Stirling Henry Flemington Ad 1938


  1. Cathy When pressing “Read more of this Post” nothing comes up. The last few posts have not displayed the photographs that the posts are about. Regards Scott

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. These premises were occupied by the NSW Government Stores Department from 1978 until closure in the early 1990’s. Several branches were accommodated at various times. The Government Cleaning Service, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, NSW Courier Service and the Technical Services Branch. The T.S.B. serviced all public service office equipment, electronic and Audio Visual equipment and other special projects such as the development of court recording equipment. Two Way Radio service and installation was also carried out for many other government departments. Testing of competitive tenders for the Contracts Control Board.The TSB occupied the premises over all of that time. I was employed by the Government Stores Department from 1961 to early 1990.

    This may be of interest. During the Stirling Henry days there were some romances. I listened to a story on an ABC radio broadcast sometime in the mid 1990’s about the Rookwood Cemetery. The cemetery was not far from Stirling Henry and occasional pleasant walks would ensue.A woman’s name was mentioned. I don’t remember much more than that but further research regarding Rookwood might be made.


  3. Looking for Olive. Please share.
    This watch was found by my mum nearly 40 years ago at Dangars Fall near Armidale, New England Tablelands, NSW, Australia.
    They put an ad in the paper for a few weeks but “Olive” never claimed her watch. Perhaps she was a local but most possibly a visitor.
    Mum has just moved into a nursing home and while we were helping her pack she gave the watch to me, it has been sitting in her jewellery box all this time.
    I want to find Olive. To me it looks like a retirement or long service present from Sterling Henry Ltd, presented to Olive in 1951.
    Stirling Henry Ltd were originally established during the 1920s as an importing warehouse but branched out into textile production later that decade. The Stirling Henry factory opened in Richmond Road Flemington (Homebush West) c.1936 and closed in the 1970s.
    Do you know who Olive was? Can you help by please sharing this post and we can see what the power of Facebook can do.


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